Pain Relief And Palliative Care

"We have the First Pain Clinic in Latin America certified by the Joint Commission International with a service that meets international standards in the care and management of chronic pain in patients".

Pain Relief as a medical specialty is one that deals with treating patients whose pain caused by their underlying disease requires comprehensive and interdisciplinary management.

Palliative Care is the specialty that focuses on the relief and reduction of excessive ailments presented during the development of an advanced disease, not susceptible to cure, seeking the welfare, and safeguarding the rights of our patients

At the Hospital Internacional de Colombia – HIC we have a Specialized Center to provide a timely, integral and humane service, which improves the quality of life of patients with advanced and progressive ailments, not susceptible to cure, regardless of the diagnosis or stage of the disease, through early identification and the most appropriate treatment of pain and other symptoms. We also provide support to their families before and after death. 

The FCV Pain Clinic was the first in Latin America to be certified by the Joint Commission International, which means that it has all the international standards for pain management. Our institution is certified as a Pain-Free Hospital, this means that patients who come to this Specialized Center will have the best and most optimal management for their condition.  

Likewise, we elaborate on integral treatment plans to recover as much as possible the physical and emotional well-being of the patient. We seek to recover as much as possible their quality of life until reaching the state before the pain, that is, "a life without pain". We offer integral services in which all the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the patients and their families are taken care of. 

This includes pain and palliative care physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, primary care physicians, rehabilitation specialists, physical therapists, and nurses.

"This center was created to provide medical, psychosocial, and spiritual support to the patient from the moment of diagnosis to the end of the patient's life and during the grief of their families.

To achieve the well-being and peace of mind of patients and their families, our team focuses on offering the most relevant hospital services and accompaniment, committed to the highest standards of health care. We use all means at our disposal to help the patient in his fight against pain, with pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments, surgical techniques, rehabilitation, and psychological support techniques

Types of Pain Treated:

  • Acute Pain: Unpleasant sensory and emotional experience resulting from actual or potential harm. It is a permanent or intermittent pain that lasts less than 90 days.
  • Chronic Pain: Pain that has a duration of 90 days or more, which occurs permanently or intermittently.
  • Palliative Care: : Is the total, active and continuous assistance given to the patient and his or her family, due to a terminal or chronic illness. This service is provided by an interdisciplinary team that performs comprehensive management with symptom control (not just pain), spiritual support, and grief counseling for both the user and his or her family.


  • Palliative Care Consultation.
  • Postoperative Pain Relief: helps patients who suffer intense pain, poorly controlled, after undergoing surgery of any kind.
  • Benign Chronic Pain Relief
  • Analgesia Through Peridural Block
  • Analgesia by PCA Pump – User Controlled
  • Regional Continuous Analgesia
  • Blocks
  • Intrathecal Pumps
  • Pain Surgery of the Highest Complexity
  • Consultation for Specialized Medicine
  • Electrical Spinal Stimulation
  • Comprehensive Psychosomatic Evaluation: Psychiatric Consultation
  • Physiotherapy for Pain Managementr
  • Implant of Medullary, Peripheral and Brain Neurostimulators
  • Spinal Canal Epidural Catheter Insertion
  • Specialized Medical Interconsultation
  • Vertebral Joint Nerve Anesthesia Injection
  • Spinal Canal Anesthetic Injection
  • Therapeutic Substance Injection into Joint or Ligament
  • Medical Board for Hard Case Analysis
  • Biopsychosocial Patient Management
  • Trigeminal Neuralgias
  • Postherpetic Neuralgias
  • Radiofrequency Neurolysis or Gangliolysis
  • Psychology of Pain
  • Radio Frequency for Blockades
  • Comprehensive Algesiological Rehabilitation: Physiotherapy Sessions
  • Inpatient Nursing Follow-up
  • Follow up by Specialist during Hospitalization
  • Psychosomatic Readaptation Sessions: Psychotherapy Sessions
  • Back Pain Treatment
  • Treatments for Chronic Terminal Illnesses